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Ampace 21700A

The Batemo Cell Model of the lithium-ion battery cell Ampace 21700A is a high-precision, physical battery model with global validity. As a digital twin it seamlessly integrates into your research, development and battery analytics by basing your decisions on simulations.

Cell Origin purchased on free market
Cell Format 21700
Dimen­sions 21.1 x 70.2 mm
Weight 68.2 g
The nominal capacity origi­nates from the manufac­tu­rer’s data sheet, if available. When the data sheet is unavai­lable, the nominal capacity is estimated. Batemo measured the C/10 capacity by dischar­ging the cell at an ambient tempe­ra­ture of 25°C from 100% with a constant current of 0.40A (0.1C) until reaching the voltage of 2.5V. The thermal boundary condi­tion is free convection.
nominal 4.00 Ah
C/10 4.15 Ah
All quanti­ties are measu­re­ment results from the Batemo battery laboratory.
The conti­nuous current is the highest current that comple­tely discharges the cell without overhea­ting it. There­fore, the cell is discharged from 100% state of charge (SOC) at an ambient tempe­ra­ture of 25°C with a constant current until a residual state of charge of 10% and either the lower voltage limit of 2.5V or 90% of the maximum surface tempe­ra­ture (72°C) is reached.
The peak current is the current that the cell can supply for 5 minutes. The cell is there­fore discharged from 100% SOC at an ambient tempe­ra­ture of 25°C with a constant current until it reaches either the lower voltage limit of 2.5V or the maximum surface tempe­ra­ture of 80°C after 5 minutes. For cells that reach the maximum surface tempe­ra­ture, the measured current is taken directly as the peak current. For cells that do not reach the maximum surface tempe­ra­ture after 5 minutes because they reach the lower voltage limit first, the measured current is multi­plied by a correc­tion factor that estimates the current that would have heated the cell to the maximum surface tempe­ra­ture within 5 minutes.
The thermal boundary condi­tion is free convec­tion. These opera­ting conditions may be outside the cell manufacturer’s specification.
conti­nuous 36.9 A
peak 46.1 A
Batemo measured the C/10 energy by dischar­ging the cell at an ambient tempe­ra­ture of 25°C from 100% with a constant current of 0.40A (0.1C) until reaching the voltage of 2.5V. The thermal boundary condi­tion is free convection.
C/10 15.5 Wh
All quanti­ties are measu­re­ment results from the Batemo battery laboratory.
The conti­nuous power is the highest power that comple­tely discharges the cell without overhea­ting it. There­fore, the cell is discharged from 100% state of charge (SOC) at an ambient tempe­ra­ture of 25°C with a constant current until a residual state of charge of 10% and either the lower voltage limit of 2.5V or 90% of the maximum surface tempe­ra­ture ( 72°C) is reached.
The peak power is the power the cell can supply for 5 minutes. The cell is there­fore discharged from 100% SOC at an ambient tempe­ra­ture of 25°C with a constant current until it reaches either the lower voltage limit of 2.5V or the maximum surface tempe­ra­ture of 80°C after 5 minutes. For cells that reach the maximum tempe­ra­ture limit, the measured power is directly taken as peak power. For cells that do not reach the maximum surface tempe­ra­ture after 5 minutes because they reach the lower voltage limit first, the measured power is multi­plied by a correc­tion factor that estimates the power that would have heated the cell to the maximum surface tempe­ra­ture within 5 minutes.
The thermal boundary condi­tion is free convec­tion. These opera­ting conditions may be outside the cell manufacturer’s specification.
conti­nuous 128 W
peak 161 W
Energy Density
The energy densi­ties result from the C/10 energy, the cell weight and the cell volume.
gravi­me­tric 227 Wh/kg
volume­tric 630 Wh/l
Power Density
The power densi­ties result from the peak power, the cell weight and the cell volume.
gravi­me­tric 2.36 kW/kg
volume­tric 6.55 kW/l

Ampace 21700A Model

The Batemo Cell Model of the lithium-ion battery cell Ampace 21700A is a high-preci­sion, physical cell model with global validity. As a digital twin it seamlessly integrates into your research, development and battery analy­tics by basing your decisions on simula­tions. See the details to learn more about the features and capabi­li­ties of the Batemo Cell Model.

Batemo Cell Model Version 1.312
Release Date December 31, 2023

Batemo demons­trates the accuracy and validity of the Batemo Cell Model by compa­ring battery simula­tion and measu­re­ment data in the range given below. Valida­tion is exten­sive, experi­mental charac­te­ri­za­tion covers the total opera­tional area of the cell : At low and high tempe­ra­tures, up to the maximal current and in the whole state of charge range.

State of Charge Range 0 … 100%
Current Range

The current range are the electrical current limits as used in the Batemo battery labora­tory. Please see the Ampace 21700A data sheet for the precise defini­tion of the current safe area of opera­tion of the cell.
-120 A discharge … 16 A charge (-30.0C … 4.0C)
Voltage Range

The voltage range are the electrical voltage limits as used in the Batemo battery labora­tory. Please see the Ampace 21700A data sheet for the precise defini­tion of the voltage safe area of opera­tion of the cell.
2.5 … 4.2 V
Tempe­ra­ture Range

The tempe­ra­ture range are the thermal limits as used in the Batemo battery labora­tory. Please see the Ampace 21700A data sheet for the precise defini­tion of the tempe­ra­ture safe area of opera­tion of the cell.
-20 … 80 °C

Moreover, the valida­tion of the Batemo Cell Model is fully trans­pa­rent. The Batemo Cell Data contains the raw measu­re­ment and simula­tion data. For all experi­ments the voltage, tempe­ra­ture, power and energy accura­cies are calcu­lated. This allows straight-forward evalua­tion and analysis of the Batemo Cell Model validity. The graphs show a selec­tion of charac­te­ristic data of the cell Ampace 21700A to evaluate the cell performance.

Discharge Charac­te­ris­tics


  • Discharge Charac­te­ris­tics : The electrical and thermal discharge behavior is strongly nonlinear.
  • Pulse Charac­te­ris­tics : The shape of different current pulses changes strongly.
  • Energy Charac­te­ris­tics : The graph visua­lizes how much energy the cell can deliver when operated at different powers.
  • Power Charac­te­ris­tics : The more power the cell supplies, the shorter it can deliver the power.
  • Thermal Charac­te­ris­tics : The greater the thermal losses, the more the cell heats up, resul­ting in higher depleted power.

Pulse Charac­te­ris­tics


show experiment defini­tions

Discharge Charac­te­ris­tics
The cell is discharged from 100% SOC with different constant currents at different ambient tempe­ra­tures. The thermal boundary condi­tion is free convec­tion. The measu­re­ment stops when reaching either the voltage of 2.5V or the surface tempe­ra­ture of 80°C.
Pulse Charac­te­ris­tics
The cell is discharged from 100% SOC with current pulses followed by no-load phases at different ambient tempe­ra­tures. The thermal boundary condi­tion is free convec­tion. The measu­re­ment stops when reaching either the voltage of 2.5V or the surface tempe­ra­ture of 80°C. The graph shows a zoomed view of the measu­re­ment to visua­lize one of the pulses.
Energy Charac­te­ris­tics
The cell is discharged from 100% SOC with different constant currents at 25°C. The thermal boundary condi­tion is free convec­tion. The measu­re­ment stops when reaching either the voltage of 2.5V or the surface tempe­ra­ture of 80°C. The graph shows the derived exchanged energy and average power of the experiment.
Power Charac­te­ris­tics
The cell is discharged from 100% SOC with different constant currents at 25°C. The thermal boundary condi­tion is free convec­tion. The measu­re­ment stops when reaching either the voltage of 2.5V or the surface tempe­ra­ture of 80°C. The graph shows the derived experiment duration and average power of the experiment.
Thermal Charac­te­ris­tics
The cell is discharged from 100% SOC with different constant currents at 25°C. The thermal boundary condi­tion is free convec­tion. The measu­re­ment stops when reaching either the voltage of 2.5V or the surface tempe­ra­ture of 80°C. The graph shows the cell surface tempe­ra­ture at the end and the derived average power of the experiment.

Energy Charac­te­ris­tics

How much energy can it deliver ?


Power Charac­te­ris­tics

How long can it deliver the power ?


Thermal Charac­te­ris­tics

How hot does it get ?


The mean accura­cies give an overview of the Batemo Cell Model accuracy. There­fore, the root mean square of the diffe­rence between the measu­re­ment and simula­tion result is derived for the voltage, the tempe­ra­ture, the energy and the power. Relative numbers relate the accuracy to the respec­tive absolute value.

Mean Voltage Accuracy 0.025 V 0.8 %
Mean Tempe­ra­ture Accuracy 0.7 K 0.7 %
Mean Power Accuracy 0.37 W 0.8 %
Mean Energy Accuracy 0.120 Wh 1.3 %

The Batemo Cell Model preci­sely describes all aspects of the cell. It is the perfect tool for battery system development.

Ampace 21700A Data

Batemo offers an exten­sive, experi­mental charac­te­ri­za­tion of the lithium-ion battery cell Ampace 21700A. The data contains measu­re­ment results in the total opera­tional area of the cell. The descrip­tions and graphs below explain and show the available measu­re­ments. The Batemo Cell Viewer allows easy and fast analysis, evalua­tion and compa­rison of the data. See the details to learn more.

Constant Currents

The cell is discharged from 100% SOC or charged from 0% SOC with different constant currents at different ambient tempe­ra­tures. The thermal boundary condi­tion is free convec­tion. The measu­re­ment stops when reaching either the voltage of 2.5V or 4.2V or the surface tempe­ra­ture of 80°C. The graph shows for which ambient tempe­ra­tures and charging and dischar­ging constant currents measu­re­ments are available.

Pulse Currents

The cell is discharged from 100% SOC or charged from 0% SOC with current pulses followed by no-load phases at different ambient tempe­ra­tures. The thermal boundary condi­tion is free convec­tion. The measu­re­ment stops when reaching either the voltage of 2.5V or 4.2V or the surface tempe­ra­ture of 80°C. The graph shows for which ambient tempe­ra­tures and pulse currents measu­re­ments are available.

Power Profiles

The cell delivers a typical power profile from 100% SOC at different ambient tempe­ra­tures. The thermal boundary condi­tion is free convec­tion. The measu­re­ment stops when reaching either the voltage of 2.5V or the surface tempe­ra­ture of 80°C. The table summa­rizes for which ambient tempe­ra­tures the profile is available.

Ambient Tempe­ra­ture Available
-20 °C profile_check
0 °C profile_check
25 °C profile_check
40 °C profile_check