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Batemo Cell Models FMU

  • What is the Batemo Cell Model FMU ?

    Let us quote https://fmi-standard.org : “The Functional Mock-up Inter­face (FMI) is a free standard that defines a container and an inter­face to exchange dynamic models using a combi­na­tion of XML files, binaries and C code zipped into a single file. It is supported by 100+ tools and maintained as a Modelica Associa­tion Project.“

    The Batemo Cell Model FMU (function mock-up unit) is an FMI conform imple­men­ta­tion of the Batemo Cell Model and can thus be used in all supported tools. 

  • What Simula­tion environ­ments are supported by the Batemo Cell Model FMU ?

    There are many simula­tion environ­ments that allow the import of a functional mockup unit (FMU) with the version 2.0 in co-simula­tion mode. You can see a list of supported tools here.

    Please contact Batemo Support  if you inter­ested in using Batemo Cell Models in another simula­tion environment.

  • Is there a diffe­rence between the Batemo Cell Model FMU and the imple­men­ta­tion for MATLAB Simulink ?

    No. The Batemo Cell Model inputs, parame­ters and outputs are identical. Diffe­rences only arise from the fact that the different simula­tion environ­ments integrate the Batemo Cell Model FMU diffe­rently resul­ting in a slightly different graphical user inter­face of the Batemo Cell Model.

Batemo Cell Models for MATLAB Simulink

  • The Batemo Cell Model outports pe or ac do not output any data. What is the problem ?

    The two outports belong to the add-ons Power & Energy (pe) and Anode & Cathode (ac). To output the data of the add-ons make sure that you acquired the add-ons. There­fore, open the Batemo Cell Model block mask. If the respec­tive add-on tab is greyed out in the mask, you did not acquire the add-on and cannot output the add-on data. Contact Batemo support to easily acquire the add-on.

    If the add-on tabs are not greyed out, ensure that you enabled the add-ons by activa­ting the respec­tive checkbox in the Batemo Cell Model block mask. Then, the corres­pon­ding outport should output the add-on data. If the problem persists, please contact Batemo support.

  • How can I quickly exchange Batemo Cell Models in my simula­tion models ?

    Consider using the Confi­gu­ra­tional Subsystem block that is in the Simulink Library Browser under SimulinkPorts & Subsys­tems. Create a new Simulink library file and insert the Batemo Cell Models you want to exchange by drag & drop from the Simulink Library browser. Then insert the Confi­gu­ra­tional Subsystem and double-click it. You can choose which Batemo Cell Models should be members of the confi­gu­ra­tional subsystem that can later be selected. Click OK and save your library file. Insert the confi­gu­ra­tional subsystem by drag & drop in your simula­tion model. When you right-click the confi­gu­ra­tional subsystem and select Block Choice you can change the block to be any of its members by one click. This can also be automated by the follo­wing line of MATLAB code : set_param(‘YourModel/YourConfigurationalSubsystem’,’BlockChoice’,’YourMember’);

  • How can I change Batemo Cell Model parame­ters script-controlled ?

    All Batemo Cell Model parame­ters are supplied via the block mask using different mask elements. It is possible to change all confi­gu­ra­tions of the block mask by script code.

    • Sliders : In the block mask, there is an edit field next to a slider contai­ning the value of the parameter. Use the edit field to input a works­pace variable name instead of a value, e.g. SOC instead of 90. This disables the slider. Assign the variable in the base works­pace, e.g. by SOC = 90. At the start of the simula­tion this value is automa­ti­cally fed to the Batemo Cell Model.
    • Radio Buttons : Radio buttons are script-controlled by set_param(‘YourModel/YourCellModel’,’Parameter_Radio’,’Value’);
  • How can I automate simulations ?

    Simula­tions can be automated by a simula­tion script. A typical appli­ca­tion is to change boundary conditions or Batemo Cell Model parame­ters and perform and evaluate a set of simula­tions. Use the From Works­pace, the From File or the From Spread­sheet block from the Simulink library browser under Simulink / Sources to dynami­cally change boundary conditions using a script. 

    Adjust your boundary conditions and Batemo Cell Model parame­ters within a for-loop and use the command sim('YourModel') to start the simula­tion. The simula­tion results are saved with the To File or the To Works­pace blocks from the Simulink library browser under Simulink / Sinks. 

  • How are Batemo Cell Models integrated into MATLAB Simulink ?

    The Batemo Cell Models are a Simulink blockset. After instal­la­tion there is a new entry Batemo Cells in your Simulink library browser that you select to drag and drop your Batemo Cell Models into your models.

    Batemo Cell Models are speci­fi­cally designed for MATLAB Simulink. It is easy to connect the inports, to use the block mask, to set the Batemo Cell Models parame­ters and to visua­lize, save and analyze the Batemo Cell Model simula­tion results.

  • How can I connect Batemo Cell Models in series and in parallel ?

    This is easily possible. Open the help of the Batemo Cell Model and open the tab Tutorials. Watch the pack design video tutorial to learn how to build your pack models using Batemo Cell Models.

  • I cannot find the Batemo Cell Models in the MATLAB Simulink Library Browser after I ran the Batemo Cell Models installer. What should I do ?

    Open the Library Browser, right-click in the window and click Refresh Library Browser. If the Batemo Cell Models still do not appear close the Library Browser. Click Set Path in the Home menu tab of the MATLAB main window. Check if the Batemo Cell Models instal­la­tion folder inclu­ding all subfol­ders are listed in the MATLAB search path. If the folders are missing hit Add with Subfol­ders… and select the Batemo Cell Models instal­la­tion folder. Click Save to close the set path menu. Open the Library Browser again, right click in the window and click Refresh Library Browser. If the Batemo Cell Models do still not appear, contact Batemo support.

License Manage­ment

  • I bound a CmAct­Li­cense to a computer. The computer is broken and I cannot deacti­vate the license. What can I do ?

    Please contact Batemo support. The CmAct­Li­cense is deacti­vated and a new CmAct­Li­cense inclu­ding all purchased licenses is issued that can be bound to another computer.

  • What kind of Batemo Cell Model licenses are available ?

    For the Batemo Cell Model software and the Add-Ons different license types are available. 

    • Named User : The license entitles one named user to simulate the Batemo Cell Models with one natural person being assigned to the named user.
    • Designated Computer : The license entitles to simulate the Batemo Cell Models on a single regis­tered computer. You must ensure that the Batemo Cell Models only run on the designated computer and that only one natural person has access to the designated computer at any time.
    • Concur­rent : The Batemo Cell Models can be simulated by all your employees. The number of concur­rent users may not exceed the number of concur­rent licenses.

    The licenses can either be purchased or rented. Choose whatever best suits your needs.

  • The certi­fied time check of my license does not work. How can I fix that ?

    A failure to update the certi­fied time or the license is in most cases due to the inabi­lity to establish the connec­tion to the time server. Many company networks use proxy servers, which must be confi­gured for CodeMeter. If you want to know whether a proxy is used on your network and which settings are required, please ask your administrator.

    Alter­na­ti­vely, you may also try and read the settings of your internet browser and enter the data in CodeMeter WebAdmin. For Internet Explorer, please proceed as follows :

    Open the menu « Tools | Internet Options | Connec­tions | LAN Settings | Proxy server | Advanced. Note down the speci­fied proxy inclu­ding port, e.g. « proxy.mycompany.com » and « 3128 » or « » and « 8080 ». Then do the following :

    • Open CodeMeter WebAdmin.
    • Navigate to « Confi­gu­ra­tion | Proxy ».
    • Select the option « activated ».
    • Complete the fields with the values you recorded before.
    • Click the « Apply » button to execute the changes.

    Now the time and firmware update should work. 

  • I lost my CmStick. What can I do ?

    Please contact Batemo Support. The lost CmStick is deacti­vated and a new CmStick inclu­ding all purchased licenses is shipped to you.


  • How fast do Batemo Cell Models usually simulate ?

    The simula­tion speed depends on the used hardware and the solver obviously. The simula­tion of a Batemo Cell Model in MATLAB Simulink R2016b with a fixed-step solver at a step size of 100ms is about 100x faster than real time on a normal office notebook (Lenovo ThinkPad L460). In practice, this means that typical simula­tions just take a couple of seconds.

    When a powerful works­ta­tion simulates the Batemo Cell Model, the simula­tions are typically 200x to 300x faster than real time. 

  • What are the software and hardware requi­re­ments to simulate Batemo Cell Models ?

    To simulate Batemo Cell Models you need a PC with an installed simula­tion environ­ment that we support.

    • MATLAB® Simulink® begin­ning with version R2016b
    • MATLAB® Simscape™ begin­ning with version R2016b
    • A simula­tion environ­ment that allows the import of a functional mockup unit (FMU) with the version 2.0 in co-simula­tion mode. You can see a list of supported tools here.

    Please contact Batemo Support if you inter­ested in using Batemo Cell Models in another simula­tion environment.

  • Why are there Batemo Cell Model Add-Ons and what do they do ?

    Batemo Cell Model Add-Ons extend the functio­na­lity of your Batemo Cell Model. You can enable an Add-On when you have the respec­tive add-on license available.

    • Aging & Parameter Studies : The Add-On allows you to vary physical parame­ters of the Batemo Cell Model that are related to batch varia­tions and cell aging. You can use the Add-On to analyze debalan­cing in your pack and the influence of capacity and power fade in your system.
    • Power & Energy : The Add-On enables the pe outport of the Batemo Cell Model. The outport supplies the simula­tion results of all powers, energies and efficien­cies. You can use the Add-On to get a deep insight in the opera­tion of the cell, couple the Batemo Cell Model to your CFD-tools to optimize your thermal design and develop energy-efficient opera­tional strategies. 
    • Anode & Cathode : The Add-On enables the ac outport of the Batemo Cell Model. The outport supplies the simula­tion results of the internal physical states of the anode and the cathode. These are highly relevant in respect to recupe­ra­tion, fast-charging and the development of opera­tional strate­gies that actively avoid cell aging.
  • How does Batemo help me to get a smooth start ?

    It is crucial that you can immedia­tely start to work with your Batemo Cells efficiently. We created the Batemo Cell Model inter­face in a way that makes setting up models easy and straight-forward. All features are described in the built-in documen­ta­tion and in more detail in the user manual.

    You also get access to video tutorials that help you to get started and learn more about how Batemo Cell Model simula­tions help you to solve typical design questions (e.g. pack design, fast-charging, cell aging).

  • How does the input and output inter­face of the Batemo Cell Model look like ?

    Just as the real cell, the Batemo Cell Model has an electrical input (supplied as terminal current or terminal voltage) and a thermal input (supplied as cell surface tempe­ra­ture or cell surface heat current). 

    The Batemo Cell Model has various parame­ters that allow you to easily set the initial conditions as well as parame­ters that are related to pack design and to batch varia­tions and cell aging.

    In general, the Batemo Cell Model outputs the quanti­ties that are relevant in the design of battery systems. These are quanti­ties that can be measured in the labora­tory like the terminal current, the terminal voltage or the cell surface tempe­ra­ture but also internal quanti­ties like the open circuit voltage, the state of charge or the inner cell tempe­ra­ture. Moreover, the Batemo Cell Model outputs physical signals of the cell interior like the anode and cathode surface poten­tials, the inner cell losses or the rever­sibly stored energy. 

  • I did not find prices on the website. How do I get a quotation ?

    Please contact Batemo Support. We have one of our experts talk to you and identify a solution that best suits your needs !

  • I want to learn more. What is the best next step ?

    Contact Batemo Support as a first step to arrange a meeting with one of our experts. In the meeting we go into more detail, show you simula­tions live and discuss how the Batemo Cell Models help you to solve your major challenges in battery system design.

  • What does the Code in the Batemo Cell Model filename mean ?

    Each Batemo Cell Model has a unique filename struc­tured in the follo­wing way : Manufacturer_Type_YYBGDxyzS. Therein the manufac­turer is the cell manufac­turer and type the product name of the cell. YY is the year, B a Batemo batch number, G the used geometry of the Batemo Cell Model (r is rectan­gular, c is cylin­drical), D is the number of dimen­sions of the Batemo Cell Model (0-dimen­sional up to 3-dimen­sional), xyz are the number of suppor­ting points the Batemo Cell Model uses in each dimen­sion and S is a number that indicates the imple­men­ta­tion (0 is Simulink, 1 is Simscape, 2 is FMU).

  • What is a Batemo Cell Model ?

    A Batemo Cell Model is a high-preci­sion, physical simula­tion model of a lithium ion battery. Through optimized parame­te­ri­za­tion methods, we easily and quickly create Batemo Cell Models for all type of cells and chemis­tries. With a flexible inter­face and simula­tion times of seconds, the Batemo Cell Models integrate seamlessly into your research and development processes.

  • What do I need to get started ?

    When you want to simulate Batemo Cell Models you need two things :

    • A Batemo Cell Model : You can either purchase Batemo Cell Models from the Batemo Cell Explorer or let us create a custom Batemo Cell Model for you. 
    • A Batemo Cell Model license : When you simulate the Batemo Cell Model, you need a Batemo Cell Model license. We offer different license types (indivi­dual, concur­rent) that you can either rent or purchase. Choose whatever is the most conve­nient for you.

    The simula­tions then run on your system in the simula­tion environ­ment you choose (see software and hardware requi­re­ments).

  • How does Batemo demons­trate the validity of a Batemo Cell Model ?

    All Batemo Cell Models are validated using to a specific scheme to ensure that the simula­tion results are correct. Two aspects are essen­tial in this process.

    • The Batemo Cell Model valida­tion is trans­pa­rent : Each Batemo Cell Model contains a large set with raw measu­re­ment data that is created in the Batemo battery labora­tory. For each sampling point the measu­re­ment and simula­tion result is compared and the voltage, tempe­ra­ture, energy and power accuracy are calcu­lated. Summary graphs make the analysis of the data straight-forward. This is how we demons­trate that the Batemo Cell Model meets your requirements.
    • The Batemo Cell Model valida­tion is exten­sive : The valida­tion is carried out in the entire opera­ting range as defined by the cell manufac­turer. This includes the entire tempe­ra­ture range (typically from -20°C to 80°C), the entire current range (typical discharge currents from 0.1C to 50C) and the entire state of charge range (0% to 100%). We always use different excita­tion signals inclu­ding highly dynamic power profiles.