The Story

Batemo - The Founders

The Batemo story began in March 2017 when Dr.-Ing. Michael Schön­leber and Dr.-Ing. Jan Richter founded the company in Karlsruhe, Germany. After a year-long product development, the Batemo Cells software was intro­duced to the market in March 2018. Since then, Batemo is cash-flow positive.

Our customers come from various markets: We work with compa­nies from different indus­tries such as power tools, light mobility, automo­tive, aerospace, indus­trial and cell manufac­turing sectors.

Opera­tion of the Batemo battery labora­tory began in June 2018. We charac­terize all types of battery cells with ambient temper­a­tures between ‑40°C and 60°C using terminal currents of up to 1420 A. Creating Batemo Cell Models does not work without looking inside battery cells. That is why we have been operating our own glovebox with a purified argon atmos­phere since May 2019. We open battery cells and analyze the electrodes, the electrolyte and the separator independently. 
Batemo Climate Chamber - Display
The year 2020 pushed us to another level. We further devel­oped our products and intro­duced the Batemo Cell Explorer to the market. Also, new solutions for battery system development like the Batemo Cell Data and the Batemo Cell Report helped us to draw a lot more atten­tion and to grow, despite the corona virus SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. 
At the begin­ning of 2021, Batemo went into a strategic partner­ship with AVL. This is how we make all Batemo products avail­able for the AVL simula­tion and testing solutions to specif­i­cally service the automo­tive industry like never before. Addition­ally, Batemo experi­enced strong growth, both techni­cally in the size of the Batemo Cell Explorer and commer­cially in our customer base. Batemo received the Stellantis Supplier Award 2021 in the category of innova­tion for their ability to propose break­through technical solutions and new value-creating services. 
Working under the Chemical Cabinet
Contin­uous growth leads to contin­uous innova­tion. In 2022, we intro­duced two new Batemo products to the market. The Batemo Cube Model allows for high-preci­sion, discretized modeling and simula­tion of battery cells – something that gets impor­tant when cells are larger. Our close cooper­a­tion with battery cell manufac­turers resulted in the Batemo Cell Designer, the ultimate tool for battery cell design. To better serve our customers we partnered with Voltaiq and created the Battery Index. The SaaS offering relies on Batemo data and integrates into the Voltaiq platform. Moreover, the BMZ Group and Batemo went into a cooper­a­tion to better serve battery cell customers. Together we combine cell supply with indepen­dent battery data and models, backed by Batemo. 
In 2023, Batemo reached another milestone: We moved the company to our new headquar­ters with bigger offices, bigger labs, bigger test facil­i­ties, bigger every­thing. This major step was neces­sary to keep up with our growth and to offer new solutions to our customers. We work closely with battery cell manufac­turers to optimize the cell design and with customer from various indus­tries on aging.

Until today, Batemo is 100% indepen­dent and completely customer-funded.


Batemo commits to educate and train the next gener­a­tion of engineers. This is our way to enable young, motivated engineers and scien­tists to find novel technical solutions that save energy, are CO2 neutral and fight climate change. There­fore, we sponsor exciting student projects around the world:  If you work on a student project and are also inter­ested in a sponsor­ship by Batemo, please contact us. 

The Founders

Batemo Founders - Jan Richter



Dr.-Ing. Jan Richter studied electrical engineering and infor­ma­tion technology at the Karlsruhe Insti­tute of Technology (KIT). He focused on electric mobility and the fields of electro­chem­ical energy storage, power electronics, and electrical machines. During his studies, he spent half a year working for the Dalian Insti­tute of Chemical Physics in China and for Mercedes-Benz Research & Development North America in the USA. After­wards, he completed his doctorate on model­ling, parameter identi­fi­ca­tion and control of highly-utilized synchro­nous machines at the Insti­tute of Electrical Engineering (ETI) at KIT, gradu­ating summa cum laude. For his research he received the PCIM Young Engineer Award. As part of his activ­i­ties, he devel­oped a model-based development tool for power electronics and electrical machines for a Tier‑1 automo­tive supplier. During his under­grad­uate and graduate studies, he received a schol­ar­ship from the Studi­en­s­tiftung des deutschen Volkes.



Dr.-Ing. Michael Schön­leber studied electrical engineering and infor­ma­tion technology at the Karlsruhe Insti­tute of Technology (KIT). He special­ized in electro­chem­istry and system theory, with a focus on lithium-ion-batteries. At the end of his studies, he worked for Robert Bosch LLC in the USA, where he devel­oped algorithms for combined parameter and state estima­tion in modern battery manage­ment systems. He was awarded the Conti­nental Auto-Motivated Award and recog­nized the Siemens Energy Award as top student of his year.

After that he completed his doctorate gradu­ating summa cum laude at the Insti­tute for Materials in Electrical Engineering (IAM-WET) at KIT. As part of an industry project with an automo­tive manufac­turer, he researched the low frequency behavior of NMC cathodes and aging of lithium-ion-batteries. For his doctoral thesis, he received the Carl Freuden­berg Prize.