Batemo Technology digitizes
battery development.

We combine the three techno­log­ical assets of battery modeling, battery parame­ter­i­za­tion and battery data. This combi­na­tion makes us unique, world­wide. Our customers use Batemo simula­tions to make their battery development faster, lower cost while leading to better products. This is how we generate value and contribute to the success of our customers. Fully in the spirit of our logo: Under­standing Batteries.


Building good batteries is very diffi­cult. It all starts with the battery cell design and the material selec­tion of compo­nents such as electrodes or electrolytes. Then, the individual cells must be optimally connected, tempered and operated in a given instal­la­tion space. They must not age, safety must always be guaran­teed and opera­tion in the overall system must function. In this context, the require­ments in the various applications of batteries are highly diverse. A battery for a smart­phone is funda­men­tally different from a battery for an electric vehicle, and again quite different from a battery in a power tool or a stationary storage unit. In addition, battery technology is evolving rapidly. So identical design questions lead to very different answers depending on the appli­ca­tion and the point in time. Some example questions are: 
  • How should I design the battery cell for my application?

  • What is the fastest charging strategy for my cell?

  • Which opera­tional strate­gies extent the lifetime of my battery?

  • How does my optimal pack design look like?

  • Which cell is the best for me?

Fortu­nately, there is a proven method to deal with this: simula­tion-based development. In this process, all impor­tant compo­nents are modeled, i.e. digitally mapped in computers, and their dynamic behavior is calcu­lated with simula­tion. Compre­hen­sive simula­tion studies can thus answer the questions mentioned. 
But there is a problem: This does not work for batteries. 
The reason is that batteries are very diffi­cult to model, and the avail­able models do not work suffi­ciently well. 
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Equiv­a­lent Circuit Models

inaccu­rate and no insights!

Equiv­a­lent circuit models (ECM) mimic the terminal behavior of the cell using simple elements like resis­tors, capac­i­tors or other imped­ance elements. The model parame­ters are usually multi-dimen­sional lookup-tables obtained from various measure­ments. Because the funda­mental model struc­ture does not match the cell physics and since nonlin­ear­i­ties are not properly consid­ered, ECMs are too inaccurate. 
Using finite element method (FEM) tools, the microstruc­ture of the electrodes is recon­structed and the system of partial differ­en­tial equations is solved spatially. This approach is error-prone; parame­ter­i­za­tion takes several months and the model validity must be ensured by you. Moreover, simula­tions will usually take several hours. This makes the FEM approach too complex and too slow for development. 
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Microstruc­tural Models

complex and slow!

And that’s the challenge: devel­oping batteries is an extremely diffi­cult task, and the poten­tial solution of simula­tion-based development does not work… until Batemo’s technology funda­men­tally changed that. 


Our technology enables the consis­tent simula­tion-based development of batteries so that the above-mentioned challenge is mastered. Techno­log­i­cally, three things are essential: 
Get the Physics Right!

1st Techno­log­ical Asset

Get the Physics Right!

1st Techno­log­ical Asset


We use a funda­men­tally different battery modeling approach that combines speed and preci­sion. It is based on the funda­mental idea of virtu­ally repro­ducing all relevant processes inside the battery. This is quite compli­cated: physical, chemical and thermo­dy­namic processes are coupled in complex ways, depending on operating conditions and age. Every­thing happens simul­ta­ne­ously and runs on different length and time scales: from electrode parti­cles just a few microm­e­ters in size, up to processes in the centimeter range of cells and the meter range of packs. Some processes take just millisec­onds, others need months.

Get the Parame­ters Right!

2nd Techno­log­ical Asset

Get the Parame­ters Right!

2nd Techno­log­ical Asset


You cannot get far without a battery lab. This includes chemistry labs for cell disas­sembly, building of custom battery cells, and in-depth in-house analysis capabil­i­ties. It is also essen­tial to perform compre­hen­sive battery measure­ments under any electrical, thermal and mechan­ical boundary conditions. On this basis, we apply optimized parame­ter­i­za­tion methods and efficiently identify the model parameters.

Profit from experi­ence!

3rd Techno­log­ical Asset

Profit from experi­ence!

3rd Techno­log­ical Asset


We have had hundreds of battery cells in the lab, measured them over the entire operating range, completely disas­sem­bled and modeled them. There­fore, we have compre­hen­sive battery data of the entire market: all chemistries, all cell designs, all sizes, all industries.

  • Get the Physics Right!

    1st Techno­log­ical Asset


    We use a funda­men­tally different battery modeling approach that combines speed and preci­sion. It is based on the funda­mental idea of virtu­ally repro­ducing all relevant processes inside the battery. This is quite compli­cated: physical, chemical and thermo­dy­namic processes are coupled in complex ways, depending on operating conditions and age. Every­thing happens simul­ta­ne­ously and runs on different length and time scales: from electrode parti­cles just a few microm­e­ters in size, up to processes in the centimeter range of cells and the meter range of packs. Some processes take just millisec­onds, others need months.

  • Get the Parame­ters Right!

    2nd Techno­log­ical Asset


    You cannot get far without a battery lab. This includes chemistry labs for cell disas­sembly, building of custom battery cells, and in-depth in-house analysis capabil­i­ties. It is also essen­tial to perform compre­hen­sive battery measure­ments under any electrical, thermal and mechan­ical boundary conditions. On this basis, we apply optimized parame­ter­i­za­tion methods and efficiently identify the model parameters.

  • Profit from experi­ence!

    3rd Techno­log­ical Asset


    We have had hundreds of battery cells in the lab, measured them over the entire operating range, completely disas­sem­bled and modeled them. There­fore, we have compre­hen­sive battery data of the entire market: all chemistries, all cell designs, all sizes, all industries.

Batemo is the only one to own the combi­na­tion of these three techno­log­ical assets, which is why we are able to offer break­through products that are unique world­wide, and why we actively shape the future of battery development - everyday. To do modeling in an indus­trial environ­ment, in the essence, a simula­tion tool needs to fulfill three key criteria:

Fast. Physical. Accurate.

This is what we promise to our customers: Every­thing we do or we sell must be as fast, as physical and as accurate as possible. And we put our money where our mouth is and guarantee:

If you can show us another battery cell model that is more accurate, we will refund your money.

show the rules

The model accuracy is calcu­lated from a set of valida­tion exper­i­ments that cover the total opera­tional area of the cell as speci­fied by the cell manufac­turer. Additional valida­tion measure­ments in the inter­po­la­tion and extrap­o­la­tion regime, that are unknown to the model creator, are used for additional testing of the model. The ratio of the measure­ment time between the different valida­tion sets is as follows: valida­tion set known to Batemo and competitor 50%, valida­tion set known only to Batemo and unknown to competitor 25%, valida­tion only know to competitor and unknown to Batemo 25%. Model accura­cies are defined and averaged as defined in the Batemo valida­tion Excel documents. 
Many high-profile customers from different indus­tries trust us. Take a look what they say about batemo.
Our solutions solve major challenges across the entire battery development process. This starts with the Batemo Cell Designer in the very small with electrode parti­cles and materials up to the complete battery cell design. With the Batemo Cell Model and the Batemo Cube Model, we deal with single cells and address battery system challenges. Data is impor­tant along the entire development chain, which is why we offer compre­hen­sive infor­ma­tion for numerous cells with the Batemo Cell Data and the Batemo Cell Report packages. 


Batemo’s technology makes your battery development simula­tion-based, making it faster, lower cost while leading to better products. This is how we generate value and contribute to your success. 


With Batemo, you easily evaluate the innova­tion poten­tial of new ideas and develop complex battery functions quickly. This is how you enhance your techno­log­ical leadership. 


Batemo allows to you to conse­quently apply model-based development methods. This is how you perform compre­hen­sive battery simula­tion studies with cells, packs, or total systems to reach your development goal in a fraction of the time. 


With Batemo you reduce the cost of battery development in many ways. For instance, you save expenses on proto­typing, avoid exten­sive lab measure­ments, and automate development tasks. 

market share

If you are intro­ducing new battery technolo­gies to the market, Batemo will help you bring high-quality, innov­a­tive ideas to the market quickly. You improve key product features and differ­en­tiate from competi­tors, leading to increased market share. 


With Batemo, single functions or sub-systems are thoroughly tested virtu­ally in early stages of the development process. You detect design errors soon and signif­i­cantly reduce the failure rate of your design and produc­tion validation. 


You deal efficiently with the system complexity of batteries. You create optimal battery designs and ensure system compat­i­bility for all operating conditions with Batemo battery simulations. 
This is true for many different applications and use scenarios in battery development. The following list contains specific examples of how we generate value for our customers.
  • Aging and Lifetime

    Reach the longest lifetime by under­standing how and why your cells age. 

  • Cell Bench­marking

    Use the best cells in your product by contin­u­ously scanning the battery cell market in respect to your key perfor­mance indicators. 

  • Fast-Charging

    Charge the fastest by devel­oping strate­gies that fast-charge at the limit without aging the cells.

  • Battery Cell Design

    Design your next-gener­a­tion battery cell with unique KPIs on target to dominate the market.

  • AI Development

    Develop the best AI methods by employing the Batemo Cell Models as source for training data.

  • System Optimiza­tion

    Build the best system by identi­fying the optimal design and opera­tion strategy.

  • Thermal Modeling

    Design the best thermal system and associ­ated operating strategy through exten­sive Batemo Cell Model simula­tion studies across the entire operating range.

  • BMS Development

    Develop best-in-class BMS algorithms by putting Batemo Cell Models in the loop for state and parameter estimation.

Want to use that?