the full
experimental characterization
of a
battery cell.
Get it now!
Battery Data
When developing batteries, it is crucial to know the behavior of the cells you are working with. Unfortunately, it is difficult to measure battery performance under precisely controlled conditions in the full range of operation conditions. For this reason, measurement data of battery cells are often erroneous, not comparable, misleading or sinply incomplete. The good news: We take care of that! With Batemo Cell Data you receive the full experimental characterization of a battery cell that fulfills highest measurement precision standards. Instead of sampling cells and performing measurements on your own – a time consuming and expensive task – you get the finished results including the visualization and analysis tool Batemo Cell Viewer. The data are available for all cells of the Batemo Cell Explorer.



The Batemo Cell Viewer is included in every Batemo Cell Data delivery. It is an intuitive tool that helps you to visualize, analyze and compare Batemo Cell Data.

You can draw the interesting graphs that show what is needed: Either the raw data of the measured current, voltage and temperatures or calculated characteristic curves for a better overview. It is easily possible to compare Batemo Cell Data of different cells. Moreover, you can validate batemo cell models by comparing measurement and simulation data in detail. All graphs are interactive – you can move everything around, turn the axis or zoom in and out.

You can check the Batemo Cell Data section on the cell websites of the Batemo Cell Explorer to precisely see which data is available for a certain cell.- get measurement data of the total operation area of a battery cell
- SOC Range: from 0% to 100%
- Voltage Range: from minimal to maximal voltage
- Current Range: up maximal currents in charging and discharging direction
- Temperature Range: from minimal to maximal temperature
- contains different excitations – constant currents, pulsed currents and power profiles
- comprehensive documentation included
- get measurement data of the total operation area of a battery cell
- no waiting time: order today – get it tomorrow
- identical experimental initial and boundary conditions for all cells making data of different cells comparable
- standardized, identical data structure for all cells
Easy Analysis
Batemo Cell Viewer included with the data – free of charge- straight-forward data visualization and analysis
- easily compare data of up to four cells
- batemo cell model validation mode to compare measurement and simulation results in detail
- export data to CSV or TXT
Of course it is possible to export Batemo Cell Data to common formats (MAT, TXT, CSV) so that you can also import the data in other tools you want to work with.

