The tool for battery pack design!

Put your ideas to the test within minutes!


Building a battery system is challenging. At the begin­ning every­thing is possible: changing pack dimen­sions, using different cells or varying pack cooling. To cope with the complexity, a two-step approach is very advantageous.

  1. Create your design bottom-up.

Go from cell to module and pack within minutes.

  1. Put your design to the test.

Simulate the pack perfor­mance and optimize your design. 


We integrate the Batemo Pack Designer into your simula­tion environ­ment. This makes building on your previous work and technical onboarding super easy. Built-in integra­tion is avail­able for MATLAB Simulink and MATLAB Simscape. 
To give you a smooth onboarding, we schedule regular calls with Batemo Support to get started. Moreover, you get perma­nent access to the Batemo video tutorials that intro­duce all features and show best-practice examples. Another option is to let Batemo Engineering do your modeling and simula­tion work in an initial project. We deliver all models, scripts and data so that you can take over from there. 
  • Based on deep battery knowledge

    • work with all avail­able cell housings and cell sizes (cylin­drical, pouch, prismatic)
    • design your own energy or power cell – fast and easily
    • look into the future – see how cells improve based on different scenarios 
  • Perform design studies

    • vary mechan­ical proper­ties of cells, modules and packs 
    • analyze the thermal impact of different cooling methods 
    • see how different electrical setups impact your pack 
    • keep econom­ical aspects in focus and estimate the pack price 
  • Combine all your know-how

    • combine the deep technical know-how of your different departments 
    • imple­ment development methods that lead to optimal cooper­a­tion and outstanding battery systems 
  • Put your design to the test


The Batemo Pack Designer empowers your battery system development making it model-based, faster, safer, more flexible, and leading to better products. This is how we contribute to your success. 
  • Pack Design Study: Identify the optimal battery pack design for your application.
  • Cell Technology Compar­ison: Learn which battery cell and housing type is the most suitable for you.
  • Look Into The Future: See how your appli­ca­tion can benefit from future cell technologies.
  • Pack Cooling Analysis: Under­stand the conse­quences of using different cooling methods in your battery pack.
  • Price Analysis: Estimate the price impact of changes in your battery pack design.
  • Sensi­tivity Analysis: Quantify how battery pack parameter varia­tions impact you design targets.
  • … and much more

speed up

Go from cell to module and pack within minutes and put your ideas to the test.

get reliable

Base your design on high-quality results, even at the very early stage of your battery system development. 

cope with

Use simula­tions to ensure optimal solutions in the complex, discrete, nonlinear design space of battery systems. 


Reduce expenses on proto­typing, avoid performing exten­sive lab measure­ments, and decrease your development time. 


Let’s take the first step!