Batemo Cell Models are the most accurate battery cell models.

Our Promise:

If you can show us another battery cell model that is more accurate, we will refund your money!

show the rules

The model accuracy is calcu­lated from a set of valida­tion exper­i­ments that cover the total opera­tional area of the cell as speci­fied by the cell manufac­turer. Additional valida­tion measure­ments in the inter­po­la­tion and extrap­o­la­tion regime, that are unknown to the model creator, are used for additional testing of the model. The ratio of the measure­ment time between the different valida­tion sets is as follows: valida­tion set known to Batemo and competitor 50%, valida­tion set known only to Batemo and unknown to competitor 25%, valida­tion only know to competitor and unknown to Batemo 25%. Model accura­cies are defined and averaged as defined in the Batemo valida­tion Excel documents. 

Battery Model

A Batemo Cell Model is a fast, physical and high-preci­sion battery cell model for accurate battery simula­tions. Through optimized modeling and parame­ter­i­za­tion methods, we easily and quickly create Batemo Cell Models for all types of battery cells and chemistries. With a flexible inter­face and simula­tion times of seconds, the Batemo Cell Models integrate seamlessly into your research and development processes. On that basis, you solve the major challenges of battery development.


Batemo Cell Models run within seconds on normal office computers. Waiting for battery simula­tion results is a thing of the past! 


Batemo Cell Models do not simply mimic cell behavior, but precisely describe all relevant electrical, chemical, thermal and physical processes inside the cell. This is true even under extreme conditions when conven­tional models fail: under high currents, at low state of charge, and within the entire temper­a­ture range. 


A prereq­ui­site for simula­tion-based development is that all used models are valid. That is why we create every Batemo Cell Model specif­i­cally for the respec­tive cell type and chemistry. We always demon­strate the validity of our Batemo Cell Models through exten­sive measure­ments that prove highest accuracy. 
Batemo Cell Models come in two flavors. You can either subscribe to our library of Batemo Cell Models to get immediate access to a large variety of cells, or we can create a custom Batemo Cell Model exclu­sively for you: 

Batemo Cell Model

Subscribe and get immediate access to many battery cell models. Regular updates with new hot cells are included. Look at the Batemo Cell Explorer to see what is available! 

Batemo Cell Model

When you have your own cell and you want to keep every­thing confi­den­tial, we create the Batemo Cell Model exclu­sively for you. 

Modeling batteries with Batemo Cell Models is easy. Just like the real battery cell, the Batemo Cell Model has an electrical and a thermal inter­face. The inter­face is designed to make integra­tion straight-forward: Setting initial conditions is intuitive and comfort­able using the graph­ical parameter inter­face. Then you supply the electrical and thermal boundary conditions and are ready to go.

This is how you simulate the dynamic perfor­mance of the battery cell under all conditions. Every­thing you can do with the real cell, you can now do with the Batemo Cell Model in your simula­tions. This is not only true for data you can measure in the labora­tory. The Batemo Cell Model calcu­lates additional, highly relevant internal cell quanti­ties: inner temper­a­tures, electro­chem­ical electrode poten­tials or insights about loss generation. 


We integrate the Batemo Cell Models into your simula­tion environ­ment. This makes building on your previous work and technical onboarding super easy. Built-in integra­tion is avail­able for MATLAB Simulink, MATLAB Simscape and AVL CRUISE M. Addition­ally, Batemo Cell Model FMUs allow integra­tion into all common simula­tion tools.
To give you a smooth onboarding, we schedule regular calls with Batemo Support to get started. Moreover, you get ready to use models and perma­nent access to the Batemo video tutorials that intro­duce all features and show best-practice examples. To get you started, another option is to let Batemo Engineering do your modeling and simula­tion work in an initial project. We deliver all models, scripts and data so that you can take over from there. 


You use the Batemo Cell Models to make your battery development simula­tion-based, making it faster, lower cost while leading to better products. This is how we generate value and contribute to your success.

  • Aging and Lifetime

    Reach the longest lifetime by under­standing how and why your cells age. 

  • Cell Bench­marking

    Use the best cells in your product by contin­u­ously scanning the battery cell market in respect to your key perfor­mance indicators. 

  • Fast-Charging

    Charge the fastest by devel­oping strate­gies that fast-charge at the limit without aging the cells.

  • Battery Cell Design

    Design your next-gener­a­tion battery cell with unique KPIs on target to dominate the market.

  • AI Development

    Develop the best AI methods by employing the Batemo Cell Models as source for training data.

  • System Optimiza­tion

    Build the best system by identi­fying the optimal design and opera­tion strategy.

  • Thermal Modeling

    Design the best thermal system and associ­ated operating strategy through exten­sive Batemo Cell Model simula­tion studies across the entire operating range.

  • BMS Development

    Develop best-in-class BMS algorithms by putting Batemo Cell Models in the loop for state and parameter estimation.


Using Batemo Cell Models and simula­tions you identify the optimal solution in the complex, nonlinear battery design space. You develop and improve your key features and differ­en­tiate from competitors. 


With Batemo Cell Models you perform simula­tion based development tasks and test scenarios with single cells, battery packs or total systems. The under­lying development method takes a fraction of the time in compar­ison to conven­tional methods and lengthy measurements. 

Lower Cost

Batemo Cell Models reduce the cost of battery development in many ways. For instance, you reduce cost on proto­typing, avoid performing exten­sive lab measure­ments, and decrease your development time. 


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