The certi­fied time check of my license does not work. How can I fix that?

A failure to update the certi­fied time or the license is in most cases due to the inability to estab­lish the connec­tion to the time server. Many company networks use proxy servers, which must be config­ured for CodeMeter. If you want to know whether a proxy is used on your network and which settings are required, please ask your administrator.

Alter­na­tively, you may also try and read the settings of your internet browser and enter the data in CodeMeter WebAdmin. For Internet Explorer, please proceed as follows:

Open the menu “Tools | Internet Options | Connec­tions | LAN Settings | Proxy server | Advanced. Note down the speci­fied proxy including port, e.g. “” and “3128” or “” and “8080”. Then do the following:

  • Open CodeMeter WebAdmin.
  • Navigate to “Config­u­ra­tion | Proxy”.
  • Select the option “activated”.
  • Complete the fields with the values you recorded before.
  • Click the “Apply” button to execute the changes.

Now the time and firmware update should work.