Why are there Batemo Cell Model Add-Ons and what do they do?

Batemo Cell Model Add-Ons extend the function­ality of your Batemo Cell Model. You can enable an Add-On when you have the respec­tive add-on license available.

  • Aging & Parameter Studies: The Add-On allows you to vary physical parame­ters of the Batemo Cell Model that are related to batch varia­tions and cell aging. You can use the Add-On to analyze debal­ancing in your pack and the influ­ence of capacity and power fade in your system.
  • Power & Energy: The Add-On enables the pe outport of the Batemo Cell Model. The outport supplies the simula­tion results of all powers, energies and efficien­cies. You can use the Add-On to get a deep insight in the opera­tion of the cell, couple the Batemo Cell Model to your CFD-tools to optimize your thermal design and develop energy-efficient opera­tional strategies. 
  • Anode & Cathode: The Add-On enables the ac outport of the Batemo Cell Model. The outport supplies the simula­tion results of the internal physical states of the anode and the cathode. These are highly relevant in respect to recuper­a­tion, fast-charging and the development of opera­tional strate­gies that actively avoid cell aging.