Do you Want to know
what is going on inside your cell? 

Let’s have a look! 


The Batemo Cube Model is a versa­tile tool for simulating local distri­b­u­tions of internal quanti­ties within a battery cell. Based on Batemo’s unique modeling technology, the batemo cell model, it allows for custom multi-dimen­sional discretiza­tion of the cell interior resulting in highly precise and spatially resolved results. This enables you to identify and predict local effects and to quanti­fying critical inhomo­geneities within the cell.


Multi-dimen­sional simula­tions are compu­ta­tion­ally expen­sive and time consuming. Batemo Cube Models are optimized to run within seconds or minutes, depending on the discretiza­tion level. 


A spatial resolu­tion of internal quantity distri­b­u­tions requires to precisely describe all relevant electrical, chemical, thermal and physical processes inside the cell. Based on Batemo’s unique modeling technique, the Batemo Cube Model ensures physical correct­ness even under extreme conditions. 


The Batemo Cube Model is derived from the Batemo Cell Model, the most accurate battery cell model there is – guaran­teed! We always demon­strate the validity through exten­sive measure­ments that prove highest accuracy.

Each Batemo Cube Model is an electro­chem­ical model of the cells active volume repre­senting a fraction of the jelly­roll. The heat and current transfer between single Batemo Cube Models, the cell exterior and passive compo­nents (cell housing or poles) needs to be modeled exter­nally. There­fore, setting up a model of a real cell using Batemo Cube Models requires some exper­tise. The great benefit of the extra effort: you gain infor­ma­tion about local distri­b­u­tions of all internal cell quanti­ties. This helps you to under­stand, Identify and predict local hot spots for aging and safety issues and develop design improve­ments or optimized cooling concepts for the cell. On top, you can trigger local shorts manually or adapt the external model to see how your active material would perform in a different housing type.

battery Cell 

3D Discretiza­tion
with Cube Models

Inner Temper­a­ture Distribution 

Batemo Cube Models can be derived from any Batemo Cell Model. Just let us know which cell you are inter­ested in, and we can create a custom Batemo Cube Model exclu­sively for you. 

Batemo Cell Model

Subscribe and get immediate access to many battery cell models. Regular updates with new hot cells are included. Look at the Batemo Cell Explorer to see what is available! 

Batemo Cell Model

When you have your own cell and you want to keep every­thing confi­den­tial, we create the Batemo Cell Model exclu­sively for you. 

Batemo cube model

Predicting the internal cell behavior with the Batemo Cube Model is easy. Just like the active volume of a battery cell, the Batemo Cube Model has an electrical and a thermal inter­face. The inter­face is designed to make integra­tion straight-forward: Setting initial conditions is intuitive using the graph­ical parameter inter­face. Once a proper model of the other battery compo­nents is set up you supply the electrical and thermal boundary conditions and are ready to go. This is how you simulate the dynamic perfor­mance of your battery cell under all conditions and predict local distri­b­u­tions of your internal cell quanti­ties. Every­thing you can do with the real cell, you can now do with the Batemo Cube Model in your simula­tions. This is not only true for data you can measure in the labora­tory. The Batemo Cube Model calcu­lates additional, highly relevant internal cell quanti­ties: inner temper­a­tures, electro­chem­ical electrode poten­tials or insights about loss generation. 


We integrate the Batemo Cube Models into your simula­tion environ­ment. This makes building on your previous work and technical onboarding super easy. Built-in integra­tion is avail­able for MATLAB Simulink and MATLAB Simscape. Addition­ally, Batemo Cube Model FMUs allow integra­tion into all common simula­tion tools.
To give you a smooth onboarding, we schedule regular calls with Batemo Support to get started. We supply a ready to use model that you can modify according to your needs, and you get perma­nent access to the Batemo video tutorials that intro­duce all features and show best-practice examples. To get you started, another option is to let Batemo Engineering do your modeling and simula­tion work in an initial project. We deliver all models, scripts and data so that you can take over from there. 


You use the Batemo Cube Models to make your battery development simula­tion-based, making it faster, lower cost while leading to better products. This is how we generate value and contribute to your success. 


Using Batemo Cube Models you extend the under­standing of your cell by taking a look inside. You identify spatially resolved effects and derive optimal design solutions in the complex, nonlinear battery design space from it. You develop and improve your key features and differ­en­tiate from competitors. 


With Batemo Cube Models resolving quanti­ties inside your cell takes a fraction of the time compared to conven­tional multi­di­men­sional simula­tion methods. Identify critical local effects and improve internal and external cell features without lengthy measure­ments.

Lower cost

Batemo Cube Models reduces cost of your battery development. You increase your efficiency by saving expenses on proto­typing, avoid performing exten­sive lab measure­ments, and decreasing your engineering development time. 


Let’s start exploring!