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Nissan Leaf SV Plus

The Batemo Cell Model of the lithium-ion battery cell Nissan Leaf SV Plus is a high-precision, physical battery model with global validity. As a digital twin it seamlessly integrates into your research, development and battery analytics by basing your decisions on simulations.

Cell Origin extracted from Nissan Leaf SV Plus (2019)
Cell Format pouch
Dimen­sions 260 x 216 x 8.3 mm
Weight 923.3 g
The nominal capacity origi­nates from the manufac­tur­er’s data sheet, if avail­able. When the data sheet is unavail­able, the nominal capacity is estimated. Batemo measured the C/10 capacity by discharging the cell at an ambient temper­a­ture of 25°C from 100% with a constant current of 5.30A (0.1C) until reaching the voltage of 2.5V. The thermal boundary condi­tion is free convection.
nominal 53.0 Ah
C/10 53.2 Ah
All quanti­ties are measure­ment results from the Batemo battery labora­tory.
The contin­uous current is the highest current that completely discharges the cell without overheating it. There­fore, the cell is discharged from 100% state of charge (SOC) at an ambient temper­a­ture of 25°C with a constant current until a residual state of charge of 10% and either the lower voltage limit of 2.5V or 90% of the maximum surface temper­a­ture (54°C) is reached.
The peak current is the current that the cell can supply for 5 minutes. The cell is there­fore discharged from 100% SOC at an ambient temper­a­ture of 25°C with a constant current until it reaches either the lower voltage limit of 2.5V or the maximum surface temper­a­ture of 60°C after 5 minutes. For cells that reach the maximum surface temper­a­ture, the measured current is taken directly as the peak current. For cells that do not reach the maximum surface temper­a­ture after 5 minutes because they reach the lower voltage limit first, the measured current is multi­plied by a correc­tion factor that estimates the current that would have heated the cell to the maximum surface temper­a­ture within 5 minutes.
The thermal boundary condi­tion is free convec­tion. These operating conditions may be outside the cell manufacturer’s specification.
contin­uous 90.3 A
peak 224 A
Batemo measured the C/10 energy by discharging the cell at an ambient temper­a­ture of 25°C from 100% with a constant current of 5.30A (0.1C) until reaching the voltage of 2.5V. The thermal boundary condi­tion is free convection.
C/10 196.0 Wh
All quanti­ties are measure­ment results from the Batemo battery labora­tory.
The contin­uous power is the highest power that completely discharges the cell without overheating it. There­fore, the cell is discharged from 100% state of charge (SOC) at an ambient temper­a­ture of 25°C with a constant current until a residual state of charge of 10% and either the lower voltage limit of 2.5V or 90% of the maximum surface temper­a­ture ( 54°C) is reached.
The peak power is the power the cell can supply for 5 minutes. The cell is there­fore discharged from 100% SOC at an ambient temper­a­ture of 25°C with a constant current until it reaches either the lower voltage limit of 2.5V or the maximum surface temper­a­ture of 60°C after 5 minutes. For cells that reach the maximum temper­a­ture limit, the measured power is directly taken as peak power. For cells that do not reach the maximum surface temper­a­ture after 5 minutes because they reach the lower voltage limit first, the measured power is multi­plied by a correc­tion factor that estimates the power that would have heated the cell to the maximum surface temper­a­ture within 5 minutes.
The thermal boundary condi­tion is free convec­tion. These operating conditions may be outside the cell manufacturer’s specification.
contin­uous 309 W
peak 764 W
Energy Density
The energy densi­ties result from the C/10 energy, the cell weight and the cell volume.
gravi­metric 212 Wh/kg
volumetric 507 Wh/l
Power Density
The power densi­ties result from the peak power, the cell weight and the cell volume.
gravi­metric 828 W/kg
volumetric 1.98 kW/l

Nissan Leaf SV Plus Model

The Batemo Cell Model of the lithium-ion battery cell Nissan Leaf SV Plus is a high-preci­sion, physical cell model with global validity. As a digital twin it seamlessly integrates into your research, development and battery analytics by basing your decisions on simula­tions. See the details to learn more about the features and capabil­i­ties of the Batemo Cell Model. Batemo demon­strates the accuracy and validity of the Batemo Cell Model by comparing battery simula­tion and measure­ment data in the range given below. Valida­tion is exten­sive, exper­i­mental charac­ter­i­za­tion covers the total opera­tional area of the cell: At low and high temper­a­tures, up to the maximal current and in the whole state of charge range.

State of Charge Range 0 … 100%
Current Range

The current range are the electrical current limits as used in the Batemo battery labora­tory. Please see the Nissan Leaf SV Plus data sheet for the precise defin­i­tion of the current safe area of opera­tion of the cell.
-265 A discharge … 106 A charge (-5.0C … 2.0C)
Voltage Range

The voltage range are the electrical voltage limits as used in the Batemo battery labora­tory. Please see the Nissan Leaf SV Plus data sheet for the precise defin­i­tion of the voltage safe area of opera­tion of the cell.
2.5 … 4.2 V
Temper­a­ture Range

The temper­a­ture range are the thermal limits as used in the Batemo battery labora­tory. Please see the Nissan Leaf SV Plus data sheet for the precise defin­i­tion of the temper­a­ture safe area of opera­tion of the cell.
-20 … 60 °C

Moreover, the Batemo Cell Model valida­tion will be fully trans­parent. The Batemo Cell Data contains the raw measure­ment and simula­tion data. For all exper­i­ments the voltage, temper­a­ture, power and energy accura­cies are calcu­lated. This allows straight-forward evalu­a­tion and analysis of the Batemo Cell Model validity. The graphs show a selec­tion of charac­ter­istic data of the cell Nissan Leaf SV Plus to evaluate the cell perfor­mance. The predic­tion of the Batemo Cell Model is included as soon as the Batemo Cell Model is finished.

Discharge Charac­ter­is­tics


  • Discharge Charac­ter­is­tics: The electrical and thermal discharge behavior is strongly nonlinear.
  • Pulse Charac­ter­is­tics: The shape of different current pulses changes strongly.
  • Energy Charac­ter­is­tics: The graph visual­izes how much energy the cell can deliver when operated at different powers.
  • Power Charac­ter­is­tics: The more power the cell supplies, the shorter it can deliver the power.
  • Thermal Charac­ter­is­tics: The greater the thermal losses, the more the cell heats up, resulting in higher depleted power.

Pulse Charac­ter­is­tics


show exper­i­ment defin­i­tions

Discharge Charac­ter­is­tics
The cell is discharged from 100% SOC with different constant currents at different ambient temper­a­tures. The thermal boundary condi­tion is free convec­tion. The measure­ment stops when reaching either the voltage of 2.5V or the surface temper­a­ture of 60°C.
Pulse Charac­ter­is­tics
The cell is discharged from 100% SOC with current pulses followed by no-load phases at different ambient temper­a­tures. The thermal boundary condi­tion is free convec­tion. The measure­ment stops when reaching either the voltage of 2.5V or the surface temper­a­ture of 60°C. The graph shows a zoomed view of the measure­ment to visualize one of the pulses.
Energy Charac­ter­is­tics
The cell is discharged from 100% SOC with different constant currents at 25°C. The thermal boundary condi­tion is free convec­tion. The measure­ment stops when reaching either the voltage of 2.5V or the surface temper­a­ture of 60°C. The graph shows the derived exchanged energy and average power of the experiment.
Power Charac­ter­is­tics
The cell is discharged from 100% SOC with different constant currents at 25°C. The thermal boundary condi­tion is free convec­tion. The measure­ment stops when reaching either the voltage of 2.5V or the surface temper­a­ture of 60°C. The graph shows the derived exper­i­ment duration and average power of the experiment.
Thermal Charac­ter­is­tics
The cell is discharged from 100% SOC with different constant currents at 25°C. The thermal boundary condi­tion is free convec­tion. The measure­ment stops when reaching either the voltage of 2.5V or the surface temper­a­ture of 60°C. The graph shows the cell surface temper­a­ture at the end and the derived average power of the experiment.

Energy Charac­ter­is­tics

How much energy can it deliver?


Power Charac­ter­is­tics

How long can it deliver the power?


Thermal Charac­ter­is­tics

How hot does it get?


The mean accura­cies and supported simula­tion tools are published as soon as the Batemo Cell Model is finished.

Nissan Leaf SV Plus Data

Batemo offers an exten­sive, exper­i­mental charac­ter­i­za­tion of the lithium-ion battery cell Nissan Leaf SV Plus. The data contains measure­ment results in the total opera­tional area of the cell. The descrip­tions and graphs below explain and show the avail­able measure­ments. The Batemo Cell Viewer allows easy and fast analysis, evalu­a­tion and compar­ison of the data. See the details to learn more.

Constant Currents

The cell is discharged from 100% SOC or charged from 0% SOC with different constant currents at different ambient temper­a­tures. The thermal boundary condi­tion is free convec­tion. The measure­ment stops when reaching either the voltage of 2.5V or 4.2V or the surface temper­a­ture of 60°C. The graph shows for which ambient temper­a­tures and charging and discharging constant currents measure­ments are available.

Pulse Currents

The cell is discharged from 100% SOC or charged from 0% SOC with current pulses followed by no-load phases at different ambient temper­a­tures. The thermal boundary condi­tion is free convec­tion. The measure­ment stops when reaching either the voltage of 2.5V or 4.2V or the surface temper­a­ture of 60°C. The graph shows for which ambient temper­a­tures and pulse currents measure­ments are available.

Power Profiles

The cell delivers a typical power profile from 100% SOC at different ambient temper­a­tures. The thermal boundary condi­tion is free convec­tion. The measure­ment stops when reaching either the voltage of 2.5V or the surface temper­a­ture of 60°C. The table summa­rizes for which ambient temper­a­tures the profile is available.

Ambient Temper­a­ture Avail­able
-20 °C profile_check
0 °C profile_check
25 °C profile_check
40 °C profile_check