Do you want to build the best thermal system?

Design it with Batemo!


Imple­menting an effec­tive battery thermal manage­ment system is indis­pens­able to maximize battery perfor­mance while ensuring safety and longevity under all operating conditions. Yet, it imposes a signif­i­cant challenge, as numerous objec­tives, practical constraints and design variants must be consid­ered. Designing a cooling concept for a new battery system proto­type or optimizing the design of an existing system means to have precise knowl­edge of heat gener­a­tion in the battery, heat storage within and heat trans­port across all compo­nents - something that is missing when technology evolves as fast as in the battery community.

This is true for many aspects of battery thermal manage­ment. Let’s make some examples: 
Finding reliable answers to these questions requires to have accurate thermal models. However, the deter­mi­na­tion of a suitable thermal simula­tion approach poses a signif­i­cant challenge, as sophis­ti­cated multi-dimen­sional thermal models offer higher accuracy, but often demand overwhelming compu­ta­tional and human resources. Achieving the optimal balance between simula­tion speed and accuracy for given design objec­tives and project constraints is difficult. 


You need a universal tool which seamlessly integrates into your simula­tion environ­ment and precisely predicts the heat dissi­pa­tion of your battery. And that is what the Batemo Cell Models and the Batemo Cube Model are. Batemos unique battery modeling technology allows to accurately predict the dissi­pated heat consid­ering exactly your load profile and system design and can be integrated into all commonly used simula­tion tools. Consis­tent workflows across all length scales allow to connect system design objec­tives with thermal design parame­ters and thereby optimiza­tion of your thermal manage­ment on total system level. This increases product quality, while simul­ta­ne­ously reducing development time and cost. 


Batemo Cell Models run within seconds on normal office computers. This enables co-simula­tion among different simula­tion environ­ments consid­ering large parameter varia­tions and optimiza­tion workflows.


Only if you split up the physical processes in the cell correctly, you can precisely calcu­late the heat dissi­pa­tion in the entire regime of operating conditions, for all cell chemistries and formats, including entropic effects and hysteresis behavior. 


Quanti­ta­tively reliable simula­tion results need exten­sively validated models. The Batemo Cell Model is the most accurate battery cell model there is – guaran­teed! We always demon­strate the validity through exten­sive measure­ments that prove highest accuracy. 
Thermal manage­ment contains multiple aspects and occurs on multiple length scales. Holistic thermal optimiza­tion requires the smart combi­na­tion of different simula­tion tools. The Batemo technology seamlessly integrates into all common simula­tion tools, allowing you to choose exactly the right tool for your challenge at hand. 

Simula­tion Solutions:

Cell Internal

Analyze the local temper­a­ture distri­b­u­tion in your cell and develop optimized cooling concepts.


Optimize the thermal network in your total system, check for debal­ancing in your pack and much more.


Predict the exact temper­a­ture distri­b­u­tion even in a complex pack geometry and include fluid dynamics.

Cell Internal - Batemo Cube Model

Each individual Batemo Cube Model repre­sents a fraction of the cell’s active material. By consid­ering the heat and current transfer between single Batemo Cube Models, the cell exterior and the passive compo­nents (cell housing or poles), you gain infor­ma­tion about local distri­b­u­tions of all internal cell quanti­ties. This helps you to under­stand, identify and predict local hot spots as well as to develop optimized cooling concepts for your cell. The Batemo Cube Model can be integrated in system simula­tion tools as well as 3D CFD environments. 

battery Cell 

3D Discretiza­tion
with Cube Models

Inner Temper­a­ture Distribution 

System Simula­tion

To efficiently couple thermal and electrical effects on module, pack, or system level, system simula­tion tools are the right choice. Batemo Cell Models are natively integrated in MATLAB Simulink, Simscape and AVL Cruise M for easy-to-use model setup and postpro­cessing. Addition­ally, Batemo Cell Model FMUs allow integra­tion into all common system simula­tion tools. To optimize your cooling strategy for all opera­tion conditions including fast charging, check for debal­ancing in your pack due to thermal – electrical inter­ac­tions, run parameter varia­tions on system design variables and much more. 

3D Compu­ta­tional Fluid Dynamics

When the exact temper­a­ture distri­b­u­tion is needed in a complex pack geometry or a cooling system including fluid dynamics, high fidelity 3D CFD tools are required. Batemo Cell Models are natively integrated in AVL Fire M for easy-to-use model setup and postpro­cessing. Addition­ally, Batemo Cell Model FMUs allow integra­tion into all common CFD simula­tion tools. 

development method

  • 1st

    Get the Batemo Cell Model or the Batemo Cube Model to have a physical, parame­ter­ized and validated battery cell model. 

  • 2nd

    Integrate the cell model into your system model or CFD model in your preferred simula­tion environ­ment.

  • 3rd

    Identify the best thermal system by varying thermal design parame­ters and compare different cell, module or pack design variants. Consider arbitrary cells, cooling concepts and opera­tion strate­gies, as well as your constraints and your KPIs.

  • 4th

    Do a design of valida­tion exper­i­ments with a thermal manage­ment system proto­type and get it into your technology.


Using the Batemo Cell Models and/or Batemo Cube Models digitizes your thermal system design, making it faster, lower cost while leading to better battery systems. This is how we generate value and contribute to your success. 


Using the Batemo Technology, you will identify the best thermal system design and optimize the cooling strategy of your battery system. This is how you maximize robust­ness, lifetime and electro­chem­ical perfor­mance of your system, and enables you to differ­en­tiate from competi­tors.


With the Batemo Technology, the development of your thermal manage­ment system takes a fraction of time. By digitizing your thermal design process instead of building proto­types, you move optimally towards your objec­tives, thereby reducing the time to market of your technology. 

Lower Cost

The Batemo technology reduces cost of your thermal system design and optimiza­tion. Your development gets more efficient saving expenses on proto­typing, testing and engineering time. 


Let’s Take the First step!