From high-energy to high-power, the following 5 freshly added cells contribute to the advancement of 18650 technology in terms of their energy density or power capabilities.
Far East Battery (FEB) 18650-3800mAh: Sitting at the peak of high energy cylindrical cells with a gravimetric energy density of 287 Wh/kg.
Other additions are the Tenpower INR18650-35HE and the DMEGC INR18650-30P, a more versatile cell. Lastly, the Molicel INR18650-P28B and -P30B show a high power density, which Molicel is well-known for.
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재료 및 셀 내부
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고객은 시장 리더입니다:
Power Tools
Power Tools
Cell Production
Cell Production
바테모의 최신 소식:
New High-Performance additions
Technology Front Break-Through
The market in high performance 21700 cells is evolving at an incredible pace and the brand-new A-sample from V4Drive of their 21700HEP-5.X offers a glimpse into the future: Combining 261 Wh/kg with 2.1 kW/kg, it redefines the performance limits for 21700 cells and surpasses the previous technological front of 21700 cells in the Batemo Cell Explorer.
It’s fascinating to witness how these breakthroughs in technology pave the way for electrification, laying a crucial foundation for the energy transition.
New Pouch Cells
The Ampace 4872A0 and the Melasta SLPBA842126HV may be on the smaller scale when it comes to pouch cells, but they are big in performance!
Pouch cells are widely recognized for their use in large-scale automotive and energy storage system (ESS) formats. However, applications with volume and weight limitations such as for power tools and motorsports, actively use them too.
The combination of high power and high energy capabilities allows pouch cells to surpass the technology front of 21700 and 18650 cells.
New Large-Format Prismatic Cells
We are excited to announce three prismatic cells from established Chinese manufacturers: The BYD C45F-302Ah cell with LFP chemistry as well as the CALB L221N113 and CALB L221N147A based on NMC. These cells target applications such as stationary storage, where reliability and safety are the most important KPIs.
Their placement in the Ragone plot are correlated with the cathode chemistries, with the C45F-302Ah being comparable to other LFP prismatic cells we measured.
New Power Density Record
We added two ultra-high-power battery cells to the Batemo Cell Explorer, the 26700 NCA GF and 26700 NCA GL both from A123 Systems.
These cells surpass all existing cells in terms of volumetric and gravimetric power density and set a new benchmark.
It is exciting what is possible with NCA chemistry for ultra high-power applications such as motorsports and F1.
Introducing the Molicel P50B
We are excited to announce that Molicel’s latest innovation, the INR21700-P50B high power cell, extends the existing technology front of cylindrical cells and places above its well-known predecessor, the P45B in our Cell Explorer!
Nice job, E-One Moli Energy! We are already excited to see the range of applications that benefit from adopting these high-performance batteries.
HiNa Sodium-Ion Cell
We are eager to share the integration of the first sodium-ion battery, NaCr26700-MP3.0(A) from HiNa Battery, into the Batemo Cell Explorer!
With this sodium ion technology, plating as a major limiter of fast charging is avoided altogether.
Additionally, Na-Ion is more thermally stable than lithium-ion, allowing us to test the cell from +40 °C to -40 °C.
Sodium itself is a widely abundant raw material, which can be a cost effective and safer alternative to lithium.
New Addition: BYD Blade Cell
The prismatic Blade C102F cell from BYD, as the name suggests, has a unique “blade-like” design that allows for efficient heat dissipation during charging and maximized space utilization on pack level.
As reported by BYD, this cell excels in safety. The blade design combined with the LFP cathode has shown impressive thermal stability, withstanding thermal runaway even after undergoing a nail penetration test.
V4Drive sets performance records
We are excited to announce that V4Drive from Germany redefines performance limits!
The V4Drive V18650HP-30(A) surpasses all existing 18650s in our Cell Explorer with an impressive power density of 2.44 kW/kg.
And the V4Drive V21700UHP-26 sets a new record for cylindrical cells with an incredible power density of 3 kW/kg.
New Energy Record
We’re thrilled to share that our latest measurements of the Farasis P79B3 reveal an impressive energy density of 323 Wh/kg.
This irrefutable demonstrates the advancing innovation in cell development, paving the way for enhanced performance and efficiency across various applications.
Want to dive deeper into the data behind the Farasis P79B3? Find the cell in our library!