Battery Modeling and Simulation

efficient battery development needs 
reliable modeling techniques.


Building good batteries is a very diffi­cult task: The behavior of batteries is notori­ously complex as a myriad of physico-chemical processes are taking place at the same time, and the require­ments in the various applications of batteries are highly diverse. Fortu­nately, there is a solution to cope with this complexity: simula­tion-based development.

Battery modeling and simula­tion provides a deep under­standing of the battery behavior and speeds up system development while coping with the high complexity and variety of variants.

But there is a problem: Battery cells are very diffi­cult to model, and the avail­able models do not work suffi­ciently well. 

Let’s make this more clear:

Equiv­a­lent circuit models (ECM) mimic the terminal behavior of the cell using simple elements. Because the funda­mental model struc­ture does not match the cell physics and since nonlin­ear­i­ties are not properly consid­ered, ECMs are too inaccurate.

On the other hand, finite element method (FEM) tools are prone to errors, parame­ter­i­za­tion takes several months and the model validity must be ensured by you. This makes the FEM approach too complex and too slow for development.
And that’s the challenge: devel­oping batteries is an extremely diffi­cult task…

..‌.until Batemo’s technology funda­men­tally changed that! 
We devel­oped a novel model technology, which is not an ECM model, not an FEM model, but which is something else: 


batemo cell models run within seconds on office computers, making them provide results in rocket speed with easy handling and visual­iza­tion. Waiting for a simula­tion result for hours or even days is a thing of the past. 


batemo cell models do not simply mimic cell behavior, but precisely describe all electrical, chemical, and thermal processes inside the cell. This is true even under extreme conditions when conven­tional models fail.



batemo cell models have proven validity in the total current, temper­a­ture and SOC regime of the cell, since accuracy is a prereq­ui­site for simula­tion-based development. This is why the our models are gloablly validated. 
This the what makes our models unique, and what we promise to our customers: Our models are fast, physical, and accurate. It’s part of our DNA to not rely on claims without back-up, so we gurantee:

Guran­teed: Batemo Cells are the 
most accurate battery models on the market.

If you can show us another battery cell model that is more accurate, we will refund your money!

show the rules

The model accuracy is calcu­lated from a set of valida­tion exper­i­ments that cover the total opera­tional area of the cell as speci­fied by the cell manufac­turer. Additional valida­tion measure­ments in the inter­po­la­tion and extrap­o­la­tion regime, that are unknown to the model creator, are used for additional testing of the model. The ratio of the measure­ment time between the different valida­tion sets is as follows: valida­tion set known to Batemo and competitor 50%, valida­tion set known only to Batemo and unknown to competitor 25%, valida­tion only know to competitor and unknown to Batemo 25%. Model accura­cies are defined and averaged as defined in the Batemo valida­tion Excel documents. 


Batemo’s technology provides cutting-edge solutions in the full range of applications, that means, also for your use case and your industry. Our battery modeling tools improve your product quality, reduce the time-to-market, and signif­i­cantly cut down costs. Directly benefit from our experi­ence of having opened and modeled over 100 battery cells of all formats and chemistries, and get exper­tise of screening the whole market. This is how we generate value and contribute to your success. 

Want to learn more? Click the boxes to explore our Top Applications:


Our battery simula­tion solutions solve major challenges across the entire battery development process. Our product family guides you from the micro­scopic up to the macro­scopic scale and enables you to build on consis­tent workflows. In this way, you prevent misscom­mu­ni­ca­tion and incon­sis­ten­cies between models and exper­i­ments or different models, and ensure that all physical processes are splitted up and modeled correctly. 
Since battery development is an ongoing journey, and it is our mission is to guide you every step of the way, you can perma­nently rely on the exper­tise of the Batemo Support team. 


Let’s take the first step!